Commerical Upholstery Cleaning
We clean all upholstery by hand unless it's absolutely necessary to machine it.
Cleaning the upholstrey at your commercial location is just as important as cleaning the carpet. Furniture in lunch rooms, offices, waiting areas, dining room chairs and barstools are used on a daily basis by many individuals. Regular cleaning can help prolong the longevity of said items and help maintain a clean sanitary environment for their customers and staff. We clean all upholstery by hand unless it's absolutely necessary to machine it. We use a foam upholstery shampoo that allows us to clean the fabric without over wetting the furniture or cushion. This allows us to have better control over the drying process and makes the item(s) available to be used in a matter of hours. Nylon spotting brushes are used and give us the ability to gently remove spots, leftover food, etc from the furniture. Sometimes, we do have to use the carpet machine for items that need that "little extra attention". This will cause the dry time to be extended and we will generally recommend 12-24 hrs before it's used. Pricing varies from item to item so please give us a call if you like a quote on a piece of furniture.

Red Wine Before

Red Wine After

Red Wjne Before

Red Wine After